
Liver metabolism via conjugation with glutathione, excreted in urine 10-50% as metabolites
Plasma Protein Binding %
Dose For Normal Renal Function
Refer to individual protocols
Adjustment For Renal Function Gfr, Ml/Min/1.73M2 30-50
Adjustment For Renal Function Gfr, Ml/Min/1.73M2 10-29
Adjustment For Renal Function Gfr, Ml/Min/1.73M2 <10
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Ihd
IHD: 100%
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Pd
PD: 100%
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Crrt
CRRT: 100%, assay and pharmacokinetic adjustments available at the University of Washington, Seattle, [B]
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