
Excreted Unchanged %
Half-Life (Normalesrd) Hours
1.4 (active metabolie 38)
Dose For Normal Renal Function
300 mg qd first week
Second Dose
Second Dose: 1200 mg qd by titration weekly
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min >50 [Recommended Level]
Avoid [D]
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min 10-50 [Recommended Level]
Avoid [D]
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min <10 [Recommended Level]
Avoid [D]
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Ihd
IHD: No data
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Pd
PD: No data
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Crrt
CRRT: No data, [D]
Strong JM, Abe T, Gibbs EL, Atkinson AJ Jr. Plasma levels of methsuximide and N-desmethylmethsuximide during methsuximide therapy. Neurology. 1974; 24: 250-5. [PMID: 4855951]
Toxicity Notes
Desmethyl metabolite (NDM) is active and may accumulate in renal failure. Profound CNS depression following methsuximide overdosage has been attributed to this metabolite, and it is probable that the anticonvulsant effects of the drug result from NDM. Because of the absence of kinetic data, methsuximide should be avoided in patients with impaired renal function.