
General Toxicity Notes
Most agents in this group are malabsorbed in the presence of compounds that contain metals such as magnesium, calcium, aluminum, and iron. Poorly absorbed with antacids, sucralfate, and phosphate binders.
Excreted Unchanged %
Half-Life (Normalesrd) Hours
Plasma Protein Binding %
Volume Of Distribution L/Kg
Dose For Normal Renal Function
500-750 mg (400 mg if IV) q12h
Adjustment For Renal Failure Method
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min >50 [Recommended Level]
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min 10-50 [Recommended Level]
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min <10 [Recommended Level]
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Ihd
IHD: 250 mg q12h (200 mg if IV)
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Pd
PD: 250 mg q8h (200 mg if IV)
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Crrt
CRRT: 400 mg q24h, [A]
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