
General Toxicity Notes
Blood pressure is the best guide to dose and interval.
Excreted Unchanged %
Half-Life (Normalesrd) Hours
<10 min/<10 min
Plasma Protein Binding %
Volume Of Distribution L/Kg
Dose For Normal Renal Function
0.25-8.0 &#181;g/kg/min
Second Dose
Second Dose: by infusion
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min >50 [Recommended Level]
100% [A]
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min 10-50 [Recommended Level]
100% [A]
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min <10 [Recommended Level]
Avoid [D]
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Ihd
IHD: Avoid, [D]
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Pd
PD: Avoid, [D]
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Crrt
CRRT: Dose for GFR 10-50,titrate, [D]
Rindone JP, Sloane EP. Cyanide toxicity from sodium nitroprusside: risks and management. Ann Pharmacother. 1992; 26: 515-9. [PMID: 1533553] / Schulz V. Clinical pharmacokinetics of nitroprusside, cyanide, thiosulphate and thiocyanate. Clin Pharmacokinet. 1984; 9: 239-51. [PMID: 6375932]
Toxicity Notes
Toxic metabolite (thiocyanate) accumulates causing seizures, coma.Thiocyanate is hemodialyzable. Measure thiocyanate levels.