
General Toxicity Notes
Blood pressure is the best guide to dose and interval. Hyperkalemia in ESRD.
Excreted Unchanged %
Half-Life (Normalesrd) Hours
Plasma Protein Binding %
Volume Of Distribution L/Kg
Dose For Normal Renal Function
5 mg q24h
Second Dose
Second Dose: 5-20 mg q24h
Adjustment For Renal Failure Method
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min >50 [Recommended Level]
100% [D]
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min 10-50 [Recommended Level]
75% [D]
Adjustment For Renal Failure Gfr, Ml/Min <10 [Recommended Level]
50% [D]
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Ihd
IHD: Dose after dialysis, [D]
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Pd
PD: None, [D]
Supplement For Dialysis [Recommendation Level]: Crrt
CRRT: Dose for GFR 10-50,titrate, [D]
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